Theory and Usage


Our goal is to find optimized number of components in a mixture model. Assuming that a mixture of distributions are given as:


That each \(g_i(x;\mathbf{\theta}_i)\) is a distribution function with weight \(a_i\), \(\mathbf{\theta}_i\) is the parameter vector. Usually, a mixture model data set can be fitted by arbitary number of components \(n\), to supress overfitting, Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and a modified AIC (AICc) is used for small sized samples to estimate the model and find out the most probable number of components \(n\).


Generate mixture models for fitting

from utils import n_func_mix, n_func_maker

Make a n-fucntion mixture from a common base

def n_func_maker(func: callable, n: int, known: list) -> callable:
    r"""Make n-function mixture from a common base.

    func: base function, the signature must start with `x`.
    n: desired number of components.
    known: a list of $n\times n_{\text{func args}}$ variables.
           None is for fitting variables and values for fixed variables.

    mixture: callable.

For example, suppose that a 2-component mixture is generated by the base fuction f(x, a, b, c) that the a variable of 2nd function is equal to 2, the n_func_maker(f, 2, known=[None, None, None, 2, None, None]) generates a mixed function with signatures x, a0, b0, c0, b1, c1.

Make mixture of functions

def n_func_mix(funcs: list of callables) -> callable:
    r"""Mixer for defining functions mixed by base function.

    For scipy.optimize.curv_fit.

    funcs: A list of callables, and signatures of
           all functions must begin with `x`.

    Returns: Function that mixed n base functions.

Fitting the generated models

from utils import FitLSQ

class FitLSQ():
    def __init__(self, func: callable):

    def set_bounds(self, bounds: list, known: list) -> self:
        r"""Set bounds for target function.

        bounds: 2d-list for lower and upper bounds (lb, ub) for arguments
                of base function. +/-np.inf for no bounds.
        n: number of parameters ofl BASE functions.
        known: Known parts in functions.

    def set_p0(self, p0: list, known: list) -> self:
        r"""Set initial values for fitting.

        p0: tuple or list for initial parameters.
        known: list for known components.


    def fit(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> self:
        r"""Fit the model.

        x: np.array for x
        y: np.array for y

        Keyword Arguments:
        kwargs that fits scipy.optimize.curve_fit


For example, model.set_p0([0.1, 0.002, 3.7]) and model.set_bound([[0, -np.inf, 1], [1,np.inf, 2]]) are for a mixture of consists of 3-argument base functions with initial guess of (0.1, 0.002, 3.7) for parameters and corresponding bounds are (0, 1), (-inf, inf) and (1, 2).

Warning: set_p0 and set_bounds are currently supported for the compoents in the mixture have same base function only.

Evaluate models.

from utils import Evaluation

class Evaluation():
    def __init__(self, model: FitLSQ):
        r"""Initialize with model.

        model: a fit object

    def aic(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        r"""Calculate AIC.

        Aho, K.; Derryberry, D.; Peterson, T. (2014), "Model selection for
        ecologists: the worldviews of AIC and BIC", Ecology, 95: 631–636,

        AIC = 2k - 2\ln{\hat{\mathcal{L}}}, \hat{\mathcal{{L}}} is Likelihood.

        samples: samples of (n_samples, n_features)

        aic: np.ndarray

    def bic(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        r"""Calculate BIC.

        Schwarz, Gideon E. (1978), "Estimating the dimension of a model",
        Annals of Statistics, 6 (2): 461–464, doi:10.1214/aos/1176344136,
        MR 0468014.

        BIC = \ln{N}k - 2\ln{\hat{\mathcal{L}}}

        samples: samples of (n_samples, n_features)

        bic: np.ndarray

    def aicc(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        r"""Calculate AICc.

        deLeeuw, J. (1992), "Introduction to Akaike (1973) information theory
        and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle" (PDF),
        in Kotz, S.; Johnson, N.L., Breakthroughs in Statistics I, Springer,
        pp. 599–609.

        AICc = AIC + \frac{2k^2+2k}{N-k-1}

        samples: samples of (n_samples, n_features)

        aicc: np.ndarray

    def make_sample(cls, n, x, pdf):
        r"""Make random sample taken from x.

        n: int, sample size
        x: np.ndarray
        pdf: np.ndarray


x is a sample data set with shape of (n_samples, n_features), samples can be generated by Evaluation.make_sample from the fitting data x and y if the fitting object is the pdf function.